Women's Way to Europe (2006-2007)

KAGİDER’s EU funded “Women’s Way to Europe” project was successfully completed in June 2007 and this success motivated KAGİDER for starting the “EU Women’s Communication Project” whose ground was also laid in the EU Advisory Committee Meeting on June 2008 with the support of President Abdullah Gül’s EU Advisor Zeynep Damla Gürel.

The idea that gives the initial motive to the project is the opinion that women can establish a "softer" way of interaction and communication in Turkey’s way to the accession to the EU regarding the fact that women can be better insulated from nationalistic sentiments and divisive identities. Consequently it is believed that women are better at forming strong communication bases on the common denominator of being woman. Especially taking the rather long and torturous path of Turkey on the way to the EU into consideration, it is believed that alternative solutions, communication grounds, and new interaction platforms are firmly required. Women can be new delegates in interaction of two countries, Turkey and an EU member country. The dialogue of women counterparts from various professions like arts, academia, business, and politics can enhance communication of the EU and Turkey and can rebuild the image of Turkey within the EU. Communication is the best way to solve problems especially in the area of international diplomacy, and the communication of women in this context is believed to clear the path ofTurkey in the road to the EU.

The target community for each country is composed of specified women artists, media figures, academicians, and politicians who are counterparts of the Turkish delegates in the three selected EU member countries; Germany,Austria and France. The aim is to establish closer, tighter relations and links with the women parliamentarians and counterparts in those countries who have the capacity to shape the public opinion and foreign policy stance of the country in favour of Turkey.
